Celebrating People Who Did Amazing Things!
We’ve created a series of short videos featuring accomplishments of some notable history makers. Each video is followed by discussion questions intended to spark critical thinking and conversation among its viewers making these videos easy and fun resources for the classroom or at home.
Please click on the pictures below to view and consider sharing these videos with your students, colleagues, family, and friends. Stay tuned for more heritage month videos as we continue to create new content!
Celebrating People
Who Did Amazing Things
We’ve created a series of short videos featuring accomplishments of some notable history makers. There are more than enough Black History videos to watch a different one each day in February and currently over a dozen Women’s History videos. Each video is followed by discussion questions intended to spark critical thinking and conversation among its viewers making these videos easy and fun resources for the classroom or at home. Please click on the pictures below to view and consider sharing these videos with your students, colleagues, family, and friends!
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